Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spinning the law

There's quite a lot of people who might say that lawyers could do with some 360 degree feedback. It's been said - more than once - that they talk legal gobbledeguk just to confuse the rest of us and make us think that we need them. But as a friend of mine pointed out recently, people who get to the top invariably speak very clearly in simple language - the others just aren't going to make it. Perhaps it's time someone told them.

It's OK if it's a 301

"It's OK if it's a 301 but not if it's a 302" said my friend Matt then I asked him about optimising my 360 degree feedback site on a new URL. Now what he was actually addressing was a dilemma I'd been thinking about for some time. I recently managed to get hold of the domain for a few dollars when it expired. It was always a better domain than the main one I have been using for many years at - but as I didn't have it at the time I had to make do. So now I have a highly optimised site sitting on a domain that wasn't my first choice - so what to do? I'd like to optimise the new domain but I didn't want the effort to be wasted - or detract from the existing one which reliably delivers me 100 hits a day from Google. Apparently the 301 redirect is the answer. What this means is that if the URL changes when you land on it then it's OK. So try typing in and you should find that it redirects to - that's what's supposed to happen. Phew!