Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Burning Bush

In a little noticed article in the Independent on Sunday we start to discover just how isolated the Whitehouse Muppet has become in his attitude towards climate change. "Senate's Environment and Public Works Committee voted 11-8 to cut emissions by about 70 per cent by 2050. This would make the US a world leader in tackling global warming." What's more a second bill passed by the House of Representatives by a 235-181 vote will force through real changes such as improved fuel efficiency of road vehicles, greater use of biofuels and renewable electricity generation, and the banning of conventional light bulbs.

And how is all this to be paid for? By repealing a $13bn (£6.4bn) tax break for big oil companies. Not surprisingly Bush has vowed to fight the Bills. Clearly he'd rather go down in flames than acknowledge that not before time the eight year headache he's given the entire planet is about to come to a dramatic end.