Sunday, August 26, 2007

Biker Blight

Picture this: a small village on a short straight stretch of the A51 in rural North Staffordshire approached by twisty stretches in both directions. It’s a Thursday evening, a local lass is riding her horse through the village and a number of local people are standing on the narrow pavement outside their houses.

Enter Johnny Fuckwitt and Randy Shitforbrains on their testosterone fuelled suberbikes as they round the last corner and open up for the straight stretch through the village. Meanwhile Eddie Stobbart has slowed his artic down to a crawl and starts to pull out to give space to the horse. Shitforbrains and Fuckwitt can’t see the horse and having completely lost the plot scream past between the artic and the pavement. Fortunately Eddie Driver sees them in time and anchors up giving the girl space to control her horse. Meanwhile two unidentified idiots scream off into the distance – presumably to meet up by the Storming Petrel at Market Drayton.

To be fair – most bikers through here do use their brains. They slow down and try to minimise the noise. In practical terms it’s impossible to identify who the fuckwitts are – but the rest of the biker community must have a pretty good idea. And it’s down to their failure to rein them in that people write to their MPs asking for bikers to be more tightly regulated, asking the police to target bikers, asking councils to install more speed cameras, asking for bikes to be subjected to noise and power restrictions and all the other stuff that bikers moan about.

This particular stretch of road has seen sixteen biker "casualty" accidents in three years with the casualties being not just the bikers themselves but local people as well. I have seen the police records for all of these accidents and it has to be said that by and large responsibility lies fairly and squarely in the hands of the rider.

We respect bikers freedom to enjoy their bikes – all we ask is that they respect our right to peace and quiet and safety in our own communities.

Point made….